齐鲁网·闪电新闻12月30日讯讲好中国故事,展现少年风采!济南市无影山小学开启第三届“I love my country”主题演讲比赛。通过此次活动,有助于学生增强国家认同和家国情怀,坚定文化自信。 新学期开学伊始,在侯晓霞副校长的带领下,济南市无影山小学英语组教师多次开展教...
Tingting, a Chinese girl, asked her Greek friend Iris about her happy moments.Yoshiki from Japan has visited some Chinese rural areas with his class. He says: “At first I thought I would not get used to the countryside lifestyle, but then it turne...
I spent more than 10 years of my life in one country.I know it very well.I have the right to say what I want about Chinabecause I know China so well. I'm not saying China i...
1) Let’s Make Love by Matthew Andrews (novelization of the movie) 2) How To Travel Incognito by Ludwig Bemelmans 3) To The One I Love Best by Ludwig Bemelmans 4) Thurber C...
The historical and cultural richness of the country and the pristine cleanliness of cities like Beijing and Xi'an captivated me. I experienced something incomparable to my ...
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